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Welcome to
Crowborough, Herons Ghyll & Uckfield
Catholic Community

We are  Parish of Lewes creating a cluster of four local church communities. Our Community of Crowborough consist with three churches: Crowborough,  Heron’s Ghyll and Uckfield.


The mission of our Community is to obey the command of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to bring the joy of the Gospel to all whom we encounter, whether already baptised or not. Every decision made in our parish and all our activities should be guided by this command.

Our new tel. number 07895876119









Mass Times in Our Churches

Sunday 11:00AM

Monday & Friday 10:00AM





Saturday Vigil 5:30PM

Thursday 10:00AM


Herons Ghyll

Sunday 9:00AM

Tuesday 10:00AM



For the Days of Obligation go to our Worship Calendar.

Our Churches

St John the Evangelist
Heron's Gyhll

St. Mary Mother of Christ

Our Lady Immaculate & St Philip Neri


in our  Churches

Sacramental preparation

‘Let us keep the flame of faith alive through prayer and the sacraments.’

                Pope Francis

‍God, understanding our human nature, gives the Church the gift of the sacraments, visible signs of invisible graces. The sacraments manifest God’s love for us in tangible ways that we can experience. Through the sacraments he draws close to us. All sacraments are an encounter with Him.


​Upcoming Events

Christmas Schedule


We Care About You
In the Catholic Community of St Mary in Crowborough, Our Lady Immaculate & St Philip Neri, Uckfield & St John the Evangelist, Herons Ghyll we use an online database provided by a company called ChurchSuite - a safe and secure web-based church management system based in the UK that is used by around 2000 churches across the world.

We want to fill the database with the contact details of all households that attend Mass at our church.

Mass Life Streaming
 9AM & 11AM Sundays

Mas life-streming

How You Can Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with our community, whether it be through prayer, volunteering, donating or attending our events. Click here to learn more.

Donating to Community

Our Community relies on offertory gifts and donations to meet its many commitments. Contributing regularly helps the Parish to understand the level of income expected to be received and to budget accordingly to cover regular expenses and the costs of scheduled property maintenance.

Our Schools

St Mary’s is a successful Catholic school where we celebrate diversity and warmly welcome families from all faiths and backgrounds. We aim, at all times, to live out our mission to Pray – Learn – Love – Enjoy. 

Latest Newsletter

Contact Us
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